Channel: TikiTrex
Category: Entertainment
Tags: abandoned housesexplorationexploreexploring abandoned placesabandoned placesuexdecayurban explorertikitrexabandoned buildingsexploringurban explorationabandonexploredexploring abandoned housesderelicturban exploringasmrurban explorersabandonedexploring abandoned buildingsurbex
Description: This is a re-upload of the older video “Frozen in Time”. I explored this little abandoned time capsule quite a few years ago, and it was a favourite amongst many viewers. It’s been abandoned since at least 2002, All of the old newspapers and history books are from Lithuania, so it was obviously last occupied by a Lithuanian family or person who appeared to have left most everything behind except possibly their clothing. Thanks for subscribing, liking and sharing! :) Your support means a lot! ❤️ ▶︎Subscribe 💕 ▶︎Hit the bell to be notified of new releases 🛎 (Animated “Like” by: Alien Green)